Existing Building Commissioning vs. Ongoing Commissioning
Jan 09, 2014

Despite their growing popularities among building owners, the difference between existing building commissioning and ongoing commissioning still seems vague to many building owners and facility managers. The following information sheds some light on the differences between these practices.

Retro-commissioning, also called Existing Building Commissioning or EBCx, deals with work exclusive to the planning, evaluation and implementation phases. The undertaking’s goal is to bring a structure up to standardized requirements and set key performance indicators (KPIs) for its expected operations.

Ongoing commissioning, sometimes referred to as monitoring-based commissioning, is an ongoing, data-driven service based around the KPIs relevant to day-to-day operations. Benchmarks are measured and analyzed, then used to guide facility improvement. It is similar to EBCx in that it uses people, processes and technology in tandem.

Fault Detection and Diagnostics, a third category commonly called FDD, is also highly valued tool for building assessment. FDD yields quick, economical results from measurements taken during the evaluate, service and measurement phases. It requires strong support from technology in order to be fruitful and, as the name implies, of focused on singling out problems within the structure.

sys-tek has been providing Existing Building Commissioning services for more than 18 years. Contact us today to learn how our services can help reduce costs both directly and indirectly by cutting energy expenditure, eliminating wasted energy, extending equipment life, and reducing maintenance visits.