Piscataway, New Jersey

The scope of this project had two primary objectives. The first objective was to validate the process cooling requirements for the facility & develop recommendations for increasing capacity & redundancy. The second phase of the project was to provide design and construction services for implementing proposed upgrades.

From our engineering analysis, we determined that the chilling capacity was in jeopardy. We immediately provided engineering design and construction services to install two new 120-ton air-cooled chillers. These chillers were tied into the existing piping systems to provide the needed increase in capacity to support the process loads.

Our engineering study clearly showed that to insure uptime for the process equipment, a redundant chiller was needed. It was determined from our cost benefit analysis that a new 500-ton centrifugal chiller & cooling tower systems would provide base loading for the plant during summer months and redundancy during winter months.

Engineering services for the project included complete design for a new chiller building facility adjacent to the existing production lines. The new building included the chiller pumps and accessories while the new cooling tower was installed on the roof. New chilled water mains were installed with control valving to allow automatic change over and start-up if required for redundancy.

We provided full time supervision for this project during the construction phase. Due to the urgency of the project, design & construction started simultaneously. As part of our site duties, we continually monitored flow to process loads and provided necessary balancing to compensate for piping changes that were occurring during construction.

At the close of the project, we provided all start-up services and system commissioning. In addition, we prepared necessary operation & maintenance manuals and provided owner training for system operation.